Conference Schedule

The dates of the AUV 2024 Symposium will begin:

Evening of Wednesday, September 18th

All-day Thursday, September 19th

All-day Friday, September 20th

*Please make sure all presentations are 12 mins and Q&A will be 3 mins during presenters’ 15 min timeframe.

Sep 18th

5:00pm-6:00pm Registration; Meet and Greet 6pm-8pm Light Snacks and Drinks at 17th floor East Village

Sep 19th

7:00-8:00 Registration & Breakfast

8:00-8:45Plenary Speaker: David CaressTitle of talk : The MBARI Low Altitude Survey System for 1-cm-scale seafloor surveys in the deep ocean
Session18.45-10.30Control and Navigation 1
8:45-9:00Taesik KimOptimal Control of Dual Buoyancy Controllers for Underwater Walking on Various Slopes
9:00-9:15Yuya HamamatsuBayesian Optimization Based Self-Improving Sliding Mode Controller for a Bio-Inspired Marine Robot
9:15-9:30Markus FossdalPast-time Signal Temporal Logic Hybrid Switching Control for Underwater Vehicles
9:30-9:45Mahmoud IbrahimEnhancing AUV Dynamic Models for CFD-Derived Hydrodynamic Coefficients
9:45-10:00Nicholas RypkemaHybrid Long/Inverted Ultra-Short Baseline
10-00-10:15Giancarlo TroniToward 6-DOF Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Energy-Aware Position Control based on Deep Reinforcement Learning: Preliminary Results
10:15-10:30Nina MahmoudianIterated UUV and UAS Spatial and Temporal Rendezvous for Coordinated Ocean Observation
10:30-10:45Coffee Break
10:45-11:00Shuhb JainAdaptive Image Restoration and Object Detection and Tracking using Semantic Segmentation and Cross-Correlation based trackers for light-weight embedded devices
11:00-11:15Blair ThorntonRapid Over-Horizon Awareness of AUV Image Datasets over Low Communication Bandwidths
11:15-11:30Joseph EdwardsMasked Structure-from-Motion: Novel View Synthesis in Undersea Operations
11:30-11:45Jordan BeasonTowards Low-Cost Real-Time Seafloor Featureless Visual Odometry
11:45-12:00Zhiyong ZhangOnline Stereo Camera Calibration for Underwater Imaging System
12:00-13:00Lunch & Poster Session
13:00-13:15Gherardo LiveraniComparative Analysis of CNN Models for Semantic Segmentation of Posidonia Oceanica Meadows
13:15-13:30Cailei LiangPredicting seafloor visual classes from multimodal remote sensed priors using location-guided self-supervised learning
13:30-13:45Caroline KeenanHuman-aided Explainable AI Classification of Forward-Looking Sonar Imagery
13:45-14:00John FolkessonNeuRSS: Enhancing AUV Localization and Bathymetric Mapping with Neural Rendering for Sidescan SLAM
14:00-14:15Ryan McCarthyMachine Learning Transmission Loss Predictions in Acoustic Field Experiments
14:15-14:30Giancarlo RoniDeep Reinforcement Learning Trajectory Control of Nonholonomic Autonomous Surface Vehicles in Challenging Wave Conditions: Theory and Preliminary Evaluation
14:30-14:45Lorenzo CecchiAdvancements in instance segmentation for Forward-Looking Sonar imagery: a comparative analysis of state-of-the-art Convolutional Neural Network models
Session415:15-17:00Platforms 1
15:00-15:15Coffee Break
15:15-15:30Christopher MorencyOn the Relationship Between Forward-Looking Sonar Complexity and Best-Achievable Obstacle Avoidance Performance for AUVs
15:30-15:45Mingxi ZhouTowards Modular and Accessible AUV Systems
15:45-16:00Marc HildebrandtDesign of a Compact, Agile AUV with Large Thrust-to-Weight Ratio
16:00-16:15Christian MeurerSpiraling Intelligent Robotic Underwater monitoring pLAtform (SPIRULA) – towards repeated, high density and low-cost seafloor monitoring
16:15-16:30Toby SchneiderJaiaBot: Open Source Multi-AUV System for Scalable Data Acquisition
16:30-16:45Michael JakubaExploring the Aurora Vent Field: 4000 m Under Ice with the NUI Hybrid Remotely Operated Vehicle

Sep 20th

7:00-8:00 Registration & Breakfast

8:00-8:45Plenary Speaker: Elizabeth ClarkeTitle of talk: Transforming fisheries science using autonomous underwater vehicles
Session58.45-10.30Control and Navigation 2
8:45-9:00Alberto ConsensiFusing Multiple Navigation Solutions for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
9:00-9:15Eirik Lothe FoseidLine-of-Sight Guidance: Learning to Look Ahead
9:15-9:30Hayato KondoReal-time Underwater Localization in 3D Environment
9:30-9:45Hanzhi YangUnder-ice Trajectory Tracking for Underwater Gliders Using Fuzzy-based Adaptive Control
9:45-10:00Giancarlo TroniFull Magnetometer and Gyroscope Bias Estimation
10:30-10:45Coffee Break
Session610:45-12:00Platforms 2
10:45-11:00Bernardo GabrielCommunications Module for a Light Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
11:00-11:15Josef MatousAdaptive Hand Position for Underactuated Underwater Robot
11:15-11:30Adrian BodenmannReal-time Subsea Communication Cable Detection for AUV-based Inspection
11:30-11:45Richard CamilliAn Autonomous Underwater Glider with Improved Transport Efficiency
12:00-13:00Lunch & Poster Session
13:00-13:15Seth McCammonPredicting Time-Varying Flow Fields Using Sparse Observations with Self-Organizing Maps
13:15-13:30Jens Einar BremnesAdaptive AUV Planning For Robust Optical Object Inspection Using In-Situ Sonar Data
13:30-13:45Madeline MillerOcean state estimation via interior-plus-surface quasigeostrophy integrated with measurements onboard an autonomous underwater vehicle
13:45-14:00Antonio OliveiraSonar-based SLAM using Particle Filter and Free-Space Mapping Approach
14:00-14:15Alessandro BucciOutlier-robust Unscented Kalman Filters for multisensor autonomous underwater navigation
14:15-14:30Li LingScore-Based Multibeam Point Cloud Denoising
14:30-14:45Sam FentonProbabilistic Methods for Improved Self-consistency of Doppler Velocity Log Range-Based Bathymetry
15:00-15:15Coffee Break
Session815:15-17:00Platforms 3
15:15-15:30Raymond TurrisiThe Spurdog AUV: A Field Configurable and Optionally A-Sized Low-Cost AUV
15:30-15:45Sakshi SinghDesign and Development of MeCO
15:45-16:00Richard CamilliAn Autonomous Underwater Glider with Improved Onboard Navigation for Unattended Mapping
16:00-16:15Joao Tasso de Figueiredo Borges de SousaLarge scale evaluation and testing in operational environments: the REPMUS exercise
16:15-16:30Berke GurProject URSULA: Design of a Robotic Squid for Underwater Manipulation
17:00 Adjourn