Conference Schedule

The dates of the AUV 2024 Symposium will begin:

Evening of Wednesday, September 18th

All-day Thursday, September 19th

All-day Friday, September 20th

Sep 18th

5:00pm-6:00pm Registration; Meet and Greet 6pm-8pm Light Snacks and Drinks at 17th floor East Village

Sep 19th

7:00-8:00am Registration, Breakfast

8:00-8:45am Plenary Talk 1

8:45-10:30 Session I Imaging

10:30-10:45 Coffee Break

10:45-12:00 Session II Control and Navigation

12:00-12:45 Lunch (Poster and Industry Session)

13:00-15:00 Session III Platforms

15:00-15:15 Coffee Break

15:15-17:00 Session IV AI and Modelling

18:00 Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony

Sep 20th

7:00-8:00am Registration, Breakfast

8:00-8:45am Plenary Talk 2 

8:45-10:30 Session V Imaging

10:30-10:45 Coffee Break

10:45-12:00 Session VI Control and Navigation

12:00-12:45 Lunch (Poster and Industry Session)

13:00-15:00 Session VII Platforms

15:00-15:15 Coffee Break

15:15-17:00 Session VIII Platforms

Conference Ends

All food, including Breakfast, Lunch, and Gala Dinner is included in the conference fees.